Friday, September 23, 2011

Authentic Research

I have created this blog to document my progress as I approach an Eighteenth Century American Women issue or topic from a Cultural Studies perspective.  I took a class from this professor last year, and I value the process she encourages us to follow when researching.  Instead of giving us a topic or throwing us into the stacks of the library to flounder, she chooses a healthy option in between as she guides us towards authentic research.

The item I posted earlier, my Artifact Inventory, represents a step that has proven crucial to my research process.  Through analyzing a text A Treatise on Dress, I have begun to shape the direction I want this project to take (I have established a territory I want to explore).  I also stumbled upon many texts in my exploration this far that I believe will help me get a sense of what has been previously explored in the area of eighteenth century expectations for women's dress.

Above Image taken from:

As you can see, I'm already interested in the function of the petticoat and the commentary that surrounds this (so far seemingly controversial) article of clothing.  For those of you in my class, I hope this blog will encourage you that you are not alone in this journey.  For others who may have stumbled upon this by chance, welcome!  I hope you enjoy learning with me.

My Artifact Inventory